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Нужно составить предложение из каждого слова, всего 9 предл. если можно быстро pleasan, tking face, charming smile, generous, caring, moody, fun-loving, sense of humor, to share

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Ответы на вопрос:

It was such a preasant weather but we had to stay at home. my mum has the most charming smile in the world. she was generous with her money. my mum is a very caring person. she always looks after me when i get a cold or fever. my brother(sis) usually very moody at what to eat. he was known as a fun-loving, easy-going family man. my   friend < ..> has a brilliant sense of humor and a  photographic memory. he shared the pie with her. @taking [email  protected] это что?

Hi i vlada i am from ukraine. my dad's name is sasha. mother anastasia ,sister masha. we live in the city of kharkiv in the street heroes of labor. my dad is a builder. mom waitress. sister walk in the garden i was in school. i have a dog rose. she likes to play. we're a happy family!

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