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Создать программу на паскаль авс. net, где надо найти скорость, а время уже известно, t=3.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Program pro1; type date = record  day : 1..31;   mounth : 1..12;   year : integer;   end;   person = record  surnamename : string;   birthday : date;   end;   listofpeople = array [1..50] of person; var people: listofpeople; jounghuman: integer; i, jounghumanindex: byte; beginfor i: =1 to 50 dobegin write('human '+inttostr(i)+': ')write('input surname and name: ')readln(people[i].surnamename); write('input birthday date(day, mounth, year) : ')read(people[i].birthday.day, people[i].birthday.mounth, people[i].birthday.year); end; // jounghumanindex: =1; //jounghuman: =people[1].birthday.day + people[1].birthday.mounth*13 + people[1].birthday.year * 32 * 13; for i: =2 to 50 doif  jounghuman> people[i].birthday.day + people[i].birthday.mounth*13 + people[i].birthday.year * 32 * 13 thenbegin // jounghumanindex: =i; // jounghuman: =people[i].birthday.day + people[i].birthday.mounth*13 + people[i].birthday.year * 32 * 13; end; writeln('most joung human: '+people[jounghumanindex] .surnamename); end.

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