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Сделайте вопросительные предложения. дайте короткие car? (she will have a car) ? (thejohnsons will have a party) plan? (paul hasgot a plan) test? (we shall have a test) dictation last monday? ( they had a dictation last monday)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Will she have? - yes she will will they have? - yes they will has he got? - yes he has got shall we have? - yes we shall did they have? - yes they did

1)will she have a car? (she will have a car)2)will the johnsons have  party? (the  johnsons will have a party)3)has paul got  a plan? (paul has  got a plan)4)shall we have  a test? (we shall have a test)5)did they have  a dictation last monday? ( they had a dictation last monday)

It does not look like a man, but he has a heart, and the year round he gives heart. he draws and paints. and today evening he painted my album.( это карандаш)

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