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''now, whah shall we wear? " "you know we shall wear our cotton dresses because we haven't anything else,'' answered jo. ''if only i had a silk, dress,'' said meg. ''our cotton dresses look like silk, and your dress is as good as new; but my dress is torn and has a burnt mark'' ''well,jo, the front is all right. i shall have a new ribbon for my hair. my new dancing shoes are lovely, and my gloves are good, but they're not as not as i wanted'' ''my gloves are spoilt and i can't have new gloves, so i shall go without gloves,'' said jo. ''you must wear gloves, or i won't go,'' said meg. ''gloves are very important, and you can't dance without them.'' ''then i won't dance. i don't care must for dancing at a party.'' ''i'll tell you what we'll do- each one of us will wear a good and carry a bad glove.''

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"вы знаете, мы наденем наши хлопковые платья, потому что мы не что-нибудь еще, - ответил джо. "если бы у меня был шелковый, платье", - сказала мэг. "наши хлопковые платья выглядят, как шелк, и платье так хорошо, как новый, но моего платья разорван и сожжен марк" "ну,джо, спереди все в порядке. у меня будет новая лента для моих волос. мои новые танцевальные туфли прекрасны, и мои перчатки хорошие, но они не как не как я хотел" "мои перчатки испорчена и я не могу иметь новые перчатки, так что я пойду без перчаток", - сказал джо. "вы должны носить перчатки, или я не пойду", - сказала мэг. "перчатки являются важными, и вы не можете танцевать без них." "тогда я не буду танцевать. меня не волнует, должен для танцев на вечеринке."  "я скажу вам, что мы сделаем - каждый из нас будет носить хорошую и носить перчатки bad."

It   was   july   16,   2008   and   i   was   at   city   hall   to   do   something   thatwould change my life forever. i went to room 302 and got my workingcard.   i   thought   i   was   independent   and   ready   to   get   a   job.first i filled in applications. i put in over 100 applications at restau-rants, clothing stores, and hotels. i kept looking for a job, and i decidedto   go   to   the   mall.   i   was   interested   in   getting   a   place   in   one   restaurantbecause my good school friend worked there, and he told me they neededpeople.   i   thought   it   might   turn   out   to   be   successful.one   day,   when   i   came   home   and   turned   on   the   answering   machine,there was a message on it. it was a job! a lady from a supermarket calledme   for   an   interview   on   tuesday.   i   was   very   excited.   this   was   my   first  interview.   on   sunday   i   got   up   early,   my   mom   and   i   went   shopping   fora dress. i put on this dress on tuesday. the lady asked me a lot of questi-ons,   but   i   thought   over   the   answers   the   day   before. i   didn’t   get   the   job,   but   i   found   out   that   you   can’t   get   a   job   easily.it’s   very   hard   work.p.s. точно не уверена(

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