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Поставить общие и специальные вопросы.his sister is at home.her book is on the table.our computer is at the office.our manager is in the country.my note-books are on the table.her disks are in the box.his brothers are at the theatre.their children are in the garden.his wife is at college.her husband is in the hospital

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Ответы на вопрос:

Is his sister at home? is her book on the table? is our computer at the office? is our manager in the country? are my notebooks on the table? are her disks on the table? are his brothers at the theatre? are their children in the garden? is his wife at the college? is her husband in the hospital? whose sister is at home? where is her book? where is our computer? who is in the country? what is on the table? whose disks are in the box? where is his brother? where are their children? who is at the college? whose husband is in the hospital?

Лучший друг у меня есть лучший друг. его( её ) имя . он(а) любит ( смотреть телевизор, играть в видео игры , гулять , плавать, танцевать или петь . он( а) хороший (ая) (певица или танцор, хорошо плавает) . ей ( сколько лет ) лет . я часто с ней( ним) встречаюсь. у нас много общего . например ( пишешь что общего). мы учимся в одном классе, она( он) всегда меня поддерживает и я поддерживаю тоже. на выходных или каникулах я гуляю с ней( ним ). i love my friend

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