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Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1 – 7. эти номера соответствуют 1 – 7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов (а, б, в, г). установите соответствие номера пропуска варианту ответа. british theatre the theatre has always been very strong in britain. its centre is, of course, london, where successful plays can 1 without a break for many years. london has several dozens of theatres, most of them not 2 from trafalgar square. 3 london even some quite big towns have no public theatre at all, but every town has its private theatres. british theatre is much admired. there you can 4 the best of everything – an excellent orchestra, famous conductors, celebrated actors and a well-dressed 5 choose a good play, and you’ll enjoy yourself throughout from the moment the curtain 6 the end of the last act. get your seats beforehand, either at the box-office or at the theatre itself. you’ll probably want to sit as near to the 7 as possible. 1. а) show б) perform в) run г) produce 2. а) far б) remote в) distant г) close 3. а) inside б) outside в) in г) out 4. а) take б) give в) hold г) get 5. а) audience б) auditorium в) authority г) publicity 6. а) puts up б) sets up в) makes up г) goes up 7. а) scene б) stage в) scenery г) performance

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he was sure they were working together.

2. he believed his friends had been working since the morning.

3. he knew they had never met before .

4. i was told the lecture would begin at 5 p.m.

5. peter said the professor was giving a lecture.

6. she didn't know they were waiting for her.

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