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Don't ask too many questions,'' my .что нужно вставить speak, tell, say?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Don't ask too many questions," my father says. -  не задавайте слишком много вопросов, - говорит мой отец. don't ask too many questions," my father said. -  не задавайте слишком много вопросов, -  сказал  мой отец .

Don't ask too many questions," my father says.

2.  Ho many brothers and sisters do you have/ have you got

3.he has got a new car

4.who is the richest person in your country?

5. My brother is older than me

6.I'm going home now

7. I'm wearing

8. I went to the pub to meet my friends

9. We're gong to have

10. What are you going to do

11. I think it is going to rain

12. Has anybody left a message

13. I wrote her three times or

14.She has never been

15 Hve you ever

16. How many times have you been to Spain

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