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Перевести на предложения (не с переводчика): в пятом классе у нас есть предметы: язык, , музыка, , , технология и физкультура.

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In the fifth сlass we have subjects: english, math, music, history, geography, technology and physical education

In the fifth grade we have subjects: english, math, music, history, geography, technology and physical education.

During a week i usually do my homework every day. i also do some housework with my mother. i don't make many mistakes in my tests at school. at school i do some research at science lessons. every day i make my bed in the morning. i also do my room every other day.  (убирать) i generally make suggestions in class where we should go for the weekend. i generally make breakfast myself because my mother leaves for work earlier.

Популярно: Английский язык