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Как построить общие вопросы с глаголами do/does. составь несколько вопросов о семье баркеров ( the barkers).

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Ответы на вопрос:

Do barkers usually spend their holidays in australia?   do barkers live in that big house at the end of the road?   do barkers go to the countryside every weekend?

Do/does+подлежащее+сказуемое 1. do barkers usually go to the cinema/zoo? (2предл) 2. do barkers often visit a musium? 3. do barkers like going on holiday on a picnic?

The goals of legislation are to regulate, impose sanctions, limit and etc. how does one distinguish primary legislation from secondary legislation? a parliamentary act is very often accompanied by one or several secondary documents a governor often deals with the creation of secondary legislation the doctrine about "separation of powers" divides basic functions of the government into legislative, executive and judicial. a bill is usually proposed by a member of the parliament or by a representative of the executive branch not all proposed bills become laws, only a small part of them does. adaptation of bills depends on the government's legislative priorities in case an  existing law on the matter is outdated,  the adaptation of a new law may be necessary when a case law and statutes are on the same topic, the government can codify them the government can publish a proposal in the "green paper" to find out public opinion on a specific issue when discussions are held and public comments are received, the "white book" can reissue the proposal a bill receives its final form in the  parliamentary council a bill becomes a law only after  several readings in the chambers of parliament and after the formal approval of the monarch

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