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На скажите этот текст it's winter. it's cold and snowy. the donkey is sad. "i don't like winter because i haven't got any green grass. i can't walk in the park. in spring i will walk and play with children," says the donkey. spring comes. it's warm and sunny. now the donkey is in the park. he has got a lot of green grass to eat. but he is sad again. "i don't like spring! the children are very noisy in the park. in summer i will dive and swim," says the donkey. summer comes. it's hot. the children dive and swim. they ride bikes and scooters, play badminton and football. but the donkey is sad again. "i don't like summer because it's very hot. in autumn i will eat apples and carrots," says the donkey. autumn comes. it's cloudy and rainy. now the donkey has got a lot of apples and carrots to eat. but he is sad again. "i don't like autumn because it's cloudy, windy and rainy. in winter i will play snowballs and toboggan." winter comes. but the donkey is sad

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Зима.холодно и снежно. ослик загрустил. "мне не нравиться зима,потому что нет зеленой травы. я не могу ходить в парк. весной я буду ходить и играть с детьми," сказал ослик.пришла весна. стало тепло и солнечно. теперь ослик в парке. у него много зеленой травы для питания. но он все равно грустит. "мне не нравиться весна! дети в парке шумят. летом я буду нырять и плавать," говорит ослик.началось лето. жара. дети ныряют и плавают. они катаются на велосипедах и скуторах, играют в бадминтон и футбол. но ослик все равно грустный. "мне не нравиться лето,слишком жарко. осенью я буду есть яблоки и морковки," говорит ослик.наступает осень. облачно и дождливо. теперь у ослика есть много яблок и морковок на съедение. но он опять грустный. "я не люблю осень потому что тогда облачно,ветренно и дождливо. зимой я буду играть в снежки и кататься на санках."приходит зима. но ослик опять добавьте плз вручную переводил хд

1. i play football every day. i'm playing football this week. i have already played foorball today.  2. he often plays volleyball. he is playing volleyball now. he has never played volleyball. 3. she always rides a bike to school. she still riding a bike. she hasn't ridden bike to school yet. 4. they skate again. they are currently skating. they haven't skated recently. 5. we ski  every winter. we are skiing this winter. we have already skied today. 6. you sometimes  swim in the swimming pool. you are swimming in the sea at the moment. you have never swam in the river.

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