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Tell the jokes using reported speech.переделать в косвенную речь voice on phone: john smith is ill and cant attend classes today.he requested me to notify you teacher : all right.who is this speaking? voice: this is my roonnate john: if the headteacher doesnt take back what he said to me this morning,im going to leave the college. david: what did he say? john: leave the college!

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Ответы на вопрос:

скажите, что шутки, используя сообщили о речи. переделать в косвенную речьголос на phone: john смите болен, и косяк посещают классы сегодня. он просил меня уведомить васучитель: all право. кого это говорит? voice: this - мой roonnatejohn: if директор школы doesnt забирает то, что он сказал мне этим утром, im, собирающийся покинуть колледж.david: what он говорил?

ответ:Hi guys! I am Ayman and I love football. My favorite team is the team of Kazakhstan, FC Astana. They are from Astana, the capital of my country. My favorite player is Maksimovich. He is from Serbia and he is a brilliant player. I'm in the football team too. We wear T-shirts, shorts and soccer socks. T-

shirts and shorts are blue and socks

are white. We play games with other football

teams in my city Taraz. Sometimes,

we play games with teams from others

countries like Russia or

UNITED KINGDOM. We are having a lot of fun!

And you? You have

favorite sport?


Популярно: Английский язык