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Перевести на язык. лето я провела весело. я сама научилась плавать, папа научил меня ловить рыбу, а мама печь торты. мы ездили на море. ходили в кино, на аттракционы. ели мороженое. катались на велосипеде. я была счастлива.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The summer i spent a lot of fun.i learned to swim, my dad taught me to fish, and mom bake cakes.we went to sea. went to the cinema, attractions.eating ice cream.rode the bike. i was happy.я думаю, что так.надеюсь, что : з

The summer i spent a lot of fun. i learned to swim, my dad taught me to fish, and mom bake cakes. we went to sea. went to the cinema, attractions. eating ice cream. rode the bike. i was so happy.оо

What doesn't she like? where did we use to live? who wll have to borrow 10 pounds from nick? where is he now? what was nasty yesterday? what did fall on the floor?

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