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Надо перевести текст на язык. прошлым летом мы с родителями провели отличное время . погода была фантастической . хотя иногда были грозы и ливни . в июне мы были на даче ходили в лес за грибами и , рыбачили . в июле мы ездили на море , за границу . мы много купались и загорали , видели дельфинов ,ходили на экскурсии . в августе я ездила в спортивный лагерь . мы играли в игры и рано вставали . лето было классное !

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Last summer, my parents had a great time. the weather was fantastic. although sometimes there were thunderstorms and showers. in june, we were in the country went into the woods for mushrooms and berries, fishing. in july we went to the sea, for the border. we have a lot of swimming and sunbathing, saw dolphins, went on trips. in august i went to a sports camp. we played games and wake up early. summer was cool!

Last summer we had a great time with their parents well. the weather was good. although sometimes there were thunderstorms and showers. in june, we were in the country, went into the woods for mushrooms and berries, fishing. in july we went to the sea abroad. we have a lot of swimming and sunbathing, saw dolphins, went on trips. in august i went to a sports camp. we played games and wake up early. summer was cool!

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