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Как сформулировать правило по языку present simple

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Present simple-простое настоящее время. действие, которого происходит постоянно. +: i am he is. she is. it is. we are. you are. they are. -: i am not he isn't. she isn't. it isn't we are not. you are not. they are not ? : am i? is he? is she? is it? are we? are you? are they?

Это простое настоящее время. действие происходит каждый день, часто , постоянно. строится: утвердительные предложения: к 3 лицу единственного числа к глаголу прибовляется окончание s- i play, he plays, she plays, it plays, you play, we play, they play отрицательные предложения: к глаголам do, does добавляется отрицательная частица not,при этом окончание s- убирается: i don' t play, he doesn't play, she doesn't play, it doesn't play, we don't play, you don't play, they don't play вопросительные предложения: глагол do,does выносится на первое место в предложении, окончание s- у смыслового глагола убирается: do i play? does he play? does she play? does it play? do you play? do we play? do they play?

Nature in the autumn mysterious princess autumn will take over the tired nature, dress in gold outfits and will soak through the long rains. autumn, will calm the breathless earth, blow away the last leaves of the wind and put a long winter sleep in the cradle.

Популярно: Английский язык