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Нужно вместо пропусков поставить глагол 1) it now. a) snows b) snowed c) is snowing 2) " why have you got those flowers? " "because i my aunt in hospital" a) will visit b) am going to visit c) visit 3) she to school yesterday. a) is going b) goes c) went 4) do yoy like spaghetti? yes, we usually spaghetti on mondays. a) are going to have b) have c) has 6) the older pencil, the it is. a) sporter b) sportest c) sport 7) john very hard at the moment. a) worked b) has worked c) is working 8) i help yju carry those bags. " yes, please." a) are b) will c) am seeing 9)i elvis presley in 1965. a) have seen b) saw c) am seeing 10)we always fish on friday. a) eat b) eats c) are going to eat

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  c) is snowing 2.  b) am going to visit 3.  c) went 4.     b) have 6. ? ! 7.  c) is working 8.    b) will  9.  a) have seen 10.  a) eat

Iwill do it tomorrow.

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