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Текст про себя написать я семенова катя мне 10 лет а завтра исполнится 11 у меня большая семья папа, мама и старший брат леша я люблю петь, читать и рисовать

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hello, i'm semenova katya.mne 10 years and turns 11 tomorrow, i have a large family of father, mother and older brother alex. i love to sing, read and draw.

-when i record something it makes a terrible noise from the inside, but   am nervous about it.

-   ok. let me see it. oh it has severe prorrblems in inside card. those cams are quite good,

but they often have such a spoilage.

-   can it be corrected?

- yes but it doesn't cost such big sum. i would reccomend you to buy a new one. you amay buy it in the section 7. 

- what a pity! but ok , whrer can i find this saction. 

-go straight till the section 2, turn left and you are in section 7

-ok thanks for your help.

-no problem, good luck.

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