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Перевести на .яз. (без переводчиков) меня зовут катя, мне 16 лет. я живу и учусь в городе артеме. учусь в 16школе в 10классе. у меня есть подруги, которые меня поддерживают в трудные ситуации потому что я -пессимист, я люблю их. я люблю: рисовать, смотреть телевизор, слушать музыку, гулять, читать книги, играть в волейбол. как и у всех у меня есть мечта и то что я хочу : ездить на ford mustang и мир во всем мире.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My name is kate, i'm 16 years old. i live and study in   artem. i study at school  number  16 in the  10th grade. i have friends who support me in difficult situations because i am a pessimist, i love them. i love drawing, watching tv, listening to music, walking, reading books, playing volleyball. i have a dream like everyone, i want to drive a ford mustang and i want to have peace in the world.

I’ve never been..able….to understand why so many people….are...obsessed with the ageing process. Whenever you turn on..the….television or flick through a magazine..you...’ll see loads of advertisements for beauty products claiming to take years off you. Of course it..would….be great if I looked younger, but I do believe...it…when you feel good on the inside, you look good on the outside. I’d say that right now I’m the healthiest I’ve..ever...been and I always wake up feeling energetic and focused. If I..were...asked to stop working, I’d refuse, because I look forward to getting up and going to a job I thoroughly enjoy. The last thing I feel like..doing….now is retiring, as there are still so many things I want to achieve in my working life. Besides, I know my body..will...tell me when it’s time to stop working. Until then, I’ll carry on.

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