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:put in the correct preposition. 1) he's swimming the river. 2) where's julie? she's . 3) the plant is the table. 4) there is a spider the bath. 5) please put those apples the bowl. 6) frank is holiday for three weeks. 7) there are two pockets this bag. 8) i read the story the newspaper. 9) the cat is sitting the chair. 10) lucy was standing bus stop. 11) i'll meet you the cinema. 12) she hung a picture the wall. 13) john is the garden. 14) there's nothing tonight. 15) i stayed home all weekend. 16) when i called lucy, she was the bus. 17) there was a spider the ceiling. 18) unfortunately, mr brown is hospital. 19) don't sit the table! sit a chair. 20) there are four cushions the sofa.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) he's swimming in the river. 2) where's julie? she's at school. 3) the plant is on the table. 4) there is a spider in the bath. 5) please put those apples into the bowl. 6) frank is on holiday for three weeks. 7) there are two pockets on this bag. 8) i read the story in the newspaper. 9) the cat is sitting in the chair. 10) lucy was standing at the bus stop. 11) i'll meet you in/at the cinema. 12) she hung a picture on the wall. 13) john is in the garden. 14) there's nothing on tv tonight. 15) i stayed at  home all weekend. 16) when i called lucy, she was on the bus. 17) there was a spider on the ceiling. 18) unfortunately, mr brown is in hospital. 19) don't sit on the table! sit in a chair. 20) there are four cushions on the sofa.

1)   in the river 2)   at school 3)   on the table 4)   in the bath 5)   into the bowl 6) on holiday  7) in this bag 8)   in the newspaper 9)   in или on  the chair 10)   at the bus stop 11)   in или  at the cinema 12)   on the wall 13)   in the garden 14)   on tv  15)   at  home  16) in the bus 17)   on the ceiling 18)   in hospital 19) on the table in    или on  a chair 20) on the sofa

Приметы и суеверия появились много веков, и даже тысячелетий назад. Древние люди пытались объяснить мир так, каким они его себе представляли. Это послужило причиной появления многочисленных суеверий и верований. И, несмотря на то, что большинство из них практически не содержат истины, люди продолжают им верить, и так оно и должно быть. Человек не может знать всего, а значит, он будет продолжать строить догадки и выдвигать гипотезы о том, как устроен мир. Все мы немного суеверны. Это заложено в нас природой. И верить в суеверия,или нет,это личное решение каждого.

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