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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в past simple, past continuous 1. mary (wear) a very nice coat at the party yesterday 2. i called peter and then i (go) out 3.he said that he (be) on holiday 4.he looked at the window and (find) that someone was standing behind it. 5.what (you do) at 6 o"clock in the moring ? 6.jenny fall asleep while she was watching an interesting film 7.who you takl to on the phone when i arrived 8.(you know) that i am as tall as you are ? 9. he (sleep) until midnight and then he woke up 10. i (decide) not to go to america 11. i was waiting for my sister when it (start) to rain 12. what (you do) when the phone rang ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. mary wore  a very nice coat at the party yesterday  2. i called peter and  then i went  out  3.he said that he had been (или was)  on holiday  4.he looked at the window and found that someone was standing behind it.  5.what do you do at 6 o"clock in the moring ?   6.jenny fall asleep while she was watching an interesting film  7.who were  you talking  to on the phone when i arrived  8.do you know  that i am as tall as you are ?   9. he slept (или was sleeping)  until midnight and then he woke up  10. i decided not to go to america  11. i was waiting for my sister when it started  to rain  12. what were  you doing when the phone rang ?

Feelings: confused/cosy/scared. sounds people make: to  gasp/to yawn/to chat/to whisper. ways of moving: to trip over. the weather: stormy/lightning

Популярно: Английский язык