Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени i did not notice that my watch (to shop),and when i ( to arrive)at the station,my train (to leave) and i (to have)to ask when the next train (to come).he (to wait)for fifteen minutes when at last he (to see)her at the end of the platfarm.by the end of the year he (to read)about two hundred pages

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Idid not notice that my watch ( had shopped), and when i ( arrived) at the station, my train ( had left) and i ( had) to ask when the next train (w ould come). he ( had been waiting) for fifteen minutes when at last he ( saw) her at the end of the platform. by the end of the year he (had read) about two hundred pages.

1/  i didn't notice that my watch had shopped, and when i arrived  at the station, my train had left  and i had  to ask when the next train would come. 2/  he had been waiting  for fifteen minutes when at last he saw  her at the end of the platform. 3/  by the end of the year he will  have read  about two hundred pages.

i have had english lessons. the teacher has put our marks into the register. my friends have taken exams. tanya has started school at the age of five. the headmaster has explained the things clearly. i have worried about you. i have had a meal it the canteen. i have shall enjoyed the nature.


у меня былиуроки языка.учительпоставилнашизнакив реестр.мои друзьясдалиэкзамены.таняпошла в школув возрасте  пяти лет.директоробъяснилвещи ясно.ябеспокоюсь о тебе.у меня былаедав столовой.ядолжен пользоваться природой.( немного не альтернативный перевод)


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