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Complete the sentences. 1. if i were twenty, 2. if i lived in india, 3. if i had my own car, 4. if i were you, 5. if i could play chess as well as garry kasparov, 6. if i had a kangaroo as a pet, 7. if i were the cleverest person in the world, 8. if i were a member of the royal family,

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. if i were twenty, i would be an actress 2. if i lived in india, i wouldn't eat meat 3. if i had my own car, i would drive it myself 4. if i were you, i would buy this hat 5. if i could play chess as well as garry kasparov, i would be the best chess-player 6. if i had a kangaroo as a pet, i would take care of it 7. if i were the cleverest person in the world, i would build a time machine 8. if i were a member of the royal family, i would be well-known

я сейчас изучаю язык. язык не трудный. но много надо учить слова. например, в языке много не правильны глаголов, их надо всех надо учить. если не выучить неправильные глаголы не как не возможно, говорить и писать по . конечно надо знать провописание. чтобы знать язык надо много старатся, конечно и когда учишь и другие языки. но я все  равно люблю учить языки!

Популярно: Английский язык