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Решите тесты1. i can do it … , thank you. a) myself b) herself c) yourself 2. he can’t drive if he doesn’t have a driving …. a) ride b) park c) licence 3. i … there before. it’s a very nice museum. a) ‘ve go b) ‘ve been c) be 4. let me … your wrist with this bandage. a) wrap b) sprain c) break 5. when we got to the campsite we put … our tents. a) on b) into c) up 6. this film is quite … . a) bored b) boring c) bore 7. look at that boy! he … fall off his bike. a) is going to b) will c) is 8. bob is very …. he is an excellent teacher. a)funny b) patient c) noisy 9. i … at my mum’s shop next week. a) work b) worked c) am working 10. you … take photos in the museum. it’s not allowed! a) mustn’t b) must c) should 11. henry took the video game … to the shop because it wasn’t working. a) off b) back c) away 12. the boy … father is a dentist is my friend. a) whose b) which c) who 13. she … the house yesterday. a) is leaving b) left c) leaves 14. …. from the uk! a) greetings b) regards c) remarks 15. i … a new digital camera. i’m sure we’ll take nice pictures in it. a) haven’t bought b) have been buying c) have bought 16. when babies are happy, they … . a) would smile b) smile c) are smiling 17. i saw a … . that was very funny. а)thriller b) romance c) comedy 18. if we continue to pollute the environment, many endangered species … extinct. a) will become b) become c) are becoming 19. we should take the children … for a walk. it’s a lovely day! a) out b) away c) off 20. i went to paris two years … . a)since b) before c) ago 1. the government is trying a variety of things to … pollution. a) burn b) reduce c) emit 2. if you’re tired, you should … some rest. a) put b) get c) have 3. if nick… a new computer, he will let us use it. a) buys b) bought c) is buying 4. mike is … pete. they will both do well in the exam. a) most clever b) cleverer than c) as clever as 5. i … my ankle and it really hurts. a) ‘ve been twisting b) ‘ve twisted c) ‘m twisting 6. you haven’t finished the task, … ? a) did you? b) haven’t you? c) have you? 7. my sister finished the exercise by … . nobody helped her. a) herself b) himself c) ourselves 8. i won’t do it … you ask me nicely. you must learn to be polite. a) if b) unless c) when 9. if you exercise regularly, you … have more energy. a) will b) won’t c) can’t 10. i ……a birthday party next week. it’ll be fun! a) are having b) is having c) am having 11. katy was doing her homework while suzie … a) was cooking b) cooks c) is cooking 12. boris …, took a shower and went to work. a) was getting up b) get up c) got up 13. the book … you are reading is very good. a) who b) what c) which 14. …… when you rang the doorbell? a) were they sleeping … b) did they sleep … c) are they sleeping … 15. documentaries are very … a) interest b) interested c) interesting 16. i was very …. to learn the results of our exams. a) interest b) interested c) interesting 17. he likes to hang … at the café with his friends. a) out b) in c) out 18. first she did the washing up, … she started her homework a) after b) as soon as c) then 19. they gave … kick-boxing because they got bored a) up b) away c) back 20. this is the girl …. won the swimming competition. a) which b) who c) whose

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i can do it … , thank you. a) myself 2. he can’t drive if he doesn’t have a driving …. c) licence 3. i … there before. it’s a very nice museum. b) ‘ve been  4. let me … your wrist with this bandage. a) wrap 5. when we got to the campsite we put … our tents. c) up 6. this film is quite … . b) boring 7. look at that boy! he … fall off his bike. a) is going to 8. bob is very …. he is an excellent teacher. b) patient 9. i … at my mum’s shop next week. c) am working 10. you … take photos in the museum. it’s not allowed! a) mustn’t 11. henry took the video game … to the shop because it wasn’t working. b) back 12. the boy … father is a dentist is my friend. a) whose 13. she … the house yesterday. b) left 14. …. from the uk! a) greetings 15. i … a new digital camera. i’m sure we’ll take nice pictures in it. c) have bought 16. when babies are happy, they … . c) are smiling 17. i saw a … . that was very funny. c) comedy 18. if we continue to pollute the environment, many endangered species … extinct. a) will become 19. we should take the children … for a walk. it’s a lovely day! a) out 20. i went to paris two years … . c) ago  1. the government is trying a variety of things to … pollution. b) reduce 2. if you’re tired, you should … some rest. c) have 3. if nick… a new computer, he will let us use it. a) buys 4. mike is … pete. they will both do well in the exam. c) as clever as 5. i … my ankle and it really hurts. b) ‘ve twisted 6. you haven’t finished the task, … ? c) have you? 7.  my sister finished the exercise by … . nobody helped her. a) herself 8. i won’t do it … you ask me nicely. you must learn to be polite. b) unless 9. if you exercise regularly, you … have more energy. a) will    10. i ……a birthday party next week. it’ll be fun! c) am having 11. katy was doing her homework while suzie … a)  was cooking 12. boris …, took a shower and went to work. c)  got up 13. the book … you are reading is very good. c) which 14. …… when you rang the doorbell? a) were they sleeping 15. documentaries are very … c) interesting 16. i was very …. to learn the results of our exams. b) interested 17. he likes to hang …  at the café with his friends. a) out 18. first she did the washing up, … she started her homework c) then 19. they gave … kick-boxing because they got bored a) up 20.  this is the girl …. won the swimming competition. b) who

7. Что ты любишь кушать на завтрак?

1. и говоришь что любишь

I like to eat a sandwich with tea

(я люблю кушать сендвич и Пить чай)

8.Сколько уроков у тебя сегодня?

I have seven lessons today

(у меня сегодня семь уроков)



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