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Решите тесты: have you ever … a mountain? a) climbed b) climbs c) climb … he ever been to disneyland? a) have b) has c) is i … on a rollercoaster one in my life. a) have been b) has never been c) have never been they … from a holiday in japan. a) has return b) have returned c) has returned no, i … clowns performing tricks! a) have never seen b) have ever seen c) has never seen he … from a holiday in america. a) has come back b) have come back c) have came back joe … to the house before. a) comes round b) has come round c) have come round adam … written a book; it’s coming out in july. a) has b) have c) is … tidied your room, have you? it’s a real mess! a) you haven’t b) he hasn’t c) they haven’t jane … a café that sells her favorite cheese pie! a) has come under b) has come along c) has come across. she has … packed her suitcases for her holiday. a) already b) ever c) yet. they have … left for school. a) just b) before c) yet. i can’t go out tomorrow night. i … a painting class. a) make b) do c) have. … renting a film tonight? a) how about b) would you like to c) will you i have heard this song … . i think it was on the radio earlier today. a) ever b) before c) neverjack has … been abroad. a) never b) yet c) sincewe … our own web page. come and see it! a) played b) made c) were . … to go camping with you, but i can’t this weekend. i’m very busy! a) i’d love b) i’m afraid c) i’m fond ofcome on! hurry up! aren’t you ready … . a) just b) yet c) neverwould you like to … hiking? a) have b) go c) play

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. have you ever … a mountain? a) climbed 2. … he ever been to disneyland? b) has 3. i … on a rollercoaster once in my life. a) have been 4. they … from a holiday in japan. b) have returned 5. no, i … clowns performing tricks! a) have never seen 6. he … from a holiday in america. a) has come back 7. joe … to the house before. b) has come round 8. adam … written a book; it’s coming out in july. a) has 9. … tidied your room, have you? it’s a real mess! a) you haven’t 10. jane … a café that sells her favorite cheese pie! b) has come along 11. she has … packed her suitcases for her holiday. a) already 12.  they have … left for school. a) just 13.  i can’t go out tomorrow night. i … a painting class. c) have 14.  … renting a film tonight? a) how about 15.  i have heard this song … . i think it was on the radio earlier today. b) before 16.  jack has … been abroad. a) never    17.  we … our own web page. come and see it! b) made        . 18.  … to go camping with you, but i can’t this weekend. i’m very busy! a) i’d love 19.  come on! hurry up! aren’t you ready … . b) yet 20.  would you like to …hiking? b) go

My favourite lesson is Physical Training.

Usually we have our physical training lessons either in the gymnasium or on the sports ground. Our sports ground is situated behind the school. On the sports ground there are a football field, a volleyball ground and a basketball ground.

Before the PT lessons we put on our sports uniform. After we have changed our clothes, we go to the gymnasium and line up. At the beginning of the lesson we usually do gymnastic exercises. Then we pull up, jump, climb the rope.

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