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Мне 1. we have no time. we hurry. ( shouldn't, could, must, mustn't, might) 2. english in the usa and canada. ( speaks, speaking, is spoken, speak, have spoken ) 3. could you close door, please? ( a, the, an, - , those) 4. biscuit транскрипция ( [ 'biskwit ], [ 'baiskwit ], [ t'biskait ], ['biskit ], [ 'bisit ] 5. the smoke high into the air. ( rise, rose, raise, raised, risen ) 6. i met him at the station i was waiting for the bus. ( during, while, then, after, for ) 7. we learn english well. ( may, need to, must, would to, should to ) 8. имя существительное без артикль ( sun, united states, city, name, england ) 9. косвенная речь " have you found the book? " she asked me. ( she asked me if i have found the book, she asked me whether have found the book, she asked me if i had found the book, she asked me whether i found the book, she asked me if i found the book ) 10. astana very mush. ( has chained, has changed, has chinged, has captured, has charmed ) 11. this is cup. cup is on the table. ( a. the, a. -, the. a, -. a, a ) 12. she took my book by mistake. ( a, the, an, - , some ) 13. he usually asks me very questions. ( little, much, few, a little, less ) 14. little children like books with large print. they understand them more easily. ( has to, can, could, need, should ) 15. baltic sea is stormy in winter. ( a/the, the/-, the/a, -/the, -/- ) 16. i haven't seen english films yet. ( no, nothing, some, any, every ) 17. did you write that letter? ( where, why, whose, whom, who ) 18. where is room six? it is on ground floor. ( a, the. the, a. -, the. an, -. -, a ) 19.my favourite subject at school is . ( the english, english, a english, an english, english's ) 20. where does your mother ? ( work, to work, works, worked, will work ) 21. we usually our home - work in the afternoon. ( do, does, done, to do, doing ) 22. he promised in time. ( having come, to have come, to come, come, coming ) 23. i like small towns are not crowded. ( where, which, those, who, whom ) 24. i see that he has lost pencil; perhaps you can lend him . ( theirs, yours. his, his. mine, yours. his, yours. your, our ) 25. the agreement (to reach) by them tomorrow. ( will reached, will be reached, be reached, is reached, will be reach )

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. we have no time. we musthurry. 2. english is spoken in the usa and canada. 3. could you close the door, please? 4. biscuit транскрипция –   ['biskit ] 5. the smoke rosehigh into the air. 6. i met him at the stationwhile i was waiting for the bus. 7. we need to  / must  learn english well.  (о ба варианта подходят) 8. имя существительное без артикль (england) 9. "have you found the book? " she asked me. – ( she asked me if i had found the book) 10. astanahas changed very much. 11. this is a cup. thecup is on the table. 12. she took my book by ––mistake. 13. he usually asks me very few questions. 14. little children like books with large print. they canunderstand them more easily. 15. thebaltic sea is stormy in  – – winter. 16. i haven't seen any english films yet. 17. whom did you write that letter? 18. where is –– room six? it is on theground floor. 19.my favourite subject at school is english. 20. where does your mother work? 21. we usually doour homework in the afternoon. 22. he promised to come in time. 23. i like small towns which are not crowded. 24. i see that he has lost his pencil; perhaps you can lend him yours. 25. the agreementwill be reachedby them tomorrow.

1. we have no time. we  must  hurry.  2. english  is spoken  in the usa and canada.  3. could you close  a  door, please?   4. biscuit транскрипция  –    ['biskit ]   5. the smoke  rose  high into the air. 6. i met him at the station  while  i was waiting for the bus.  7. we  must  learn english well.  8. имя существительное без артикля --  england 9. "have you found the book? " she asked me. – she asked me if i had found the book. 10. astana  has changed  very much.  11. this is  a  cup.  the  cup is on the table.  12. she took my book by     mistake.   13. he usually asks me very  few  questions.  14. little children like books with large print. they  can  understand them more easily.  15.  the  baltic sea is stormy in   winter.   16. i haven't seen  any  english films yet.  17.  whom  did you write that letter?   18. where is    room six? it is on  the  ground floor.  19.  my favourite subject at school is  english.  20. where does your mother  work?   21. we usually  do  our homework in the afternoon.  22. he promised  to come  in time.  23. i like small towns  which  are not crowded.  24. i see that he has lost  his  pencil; perhaps you can lend him  yours.  25. the agreement  will be reached  by them tomorrow.
4,7(100 оценок)


my favourite writer

мой любимый писатель

i am fond of william shakespeare’s works. william shakespeare is the greatest of all playwrights and poets of all times. he was born in 1564 in the town of stratford-on-avon. he attended the local grammar school and got a classical education.я люблю произведения уильяма шекспира . уильям шекспир — величайший из всех драматургов и поэтов всех времен . он родился в 1564 году в городе стрэтфорд-на-эйвоне . он ходил в местную среднюю классическую школу и получил классическое образование .there were no theatres in england then. groups of actors travelled from town to town showing performances in the street. actors sometimes came to stratford-on-avon. the boy went to see all their shows and liked them very much. he wanted to become an actor.тогда в театров не было . группы актеров путешествовали из города в город , показывая спектакли на улице . иногда они приезжали в стрэтфорд-на-эйвон . мальчик ходил смотреть на все их представления и любил их . он хотел стать актером .when he was twenty one william went to london. there he joined a group of actors and began writing plays for them. soon shakespeare’s plays were staged and became famous. the theatre where he worked was called «the globe» and it was the first professional theatre.когда уильяму был 21 год , он уехал в лондон . здесь он присоединился к группе актеров и начал писать пьесы для них . вскоре пьесы шекспира были поставлены на сцене и стали известными . театр , в котором он работал , назывался « глобус », это был первый профессиональный театр .in 1582 he married anne hathaway and had three children.в 1582 году он женился на анне хазауэй , и у него было трое детей .everybody knows shakespeare’s plays. the most famous of them are «othello», «hamlet», «romeo and juliet», «king lear», «the comedy of errors», «the twelfth night». love and death, friendship and treason, devotion and lie are the main ideas of his plays.каждому известны пьесы шекспира . самые знаменитые из них : « отелло », « гамлет », « ромео и джульетта », « король лир », « комедия ошибок », « двенадцатая ночь ». любовь и смерть , дружба и предательство , преданность и обман — основные идеи его пьес .his major achievement as a poet is his sonnets, published in 1609. all his sonnets are full of harmony and music, they praise love, friendship and beauty.его основным достижением как поэта являются сонеты , опубликованные в 1609 году . все его сонеты полны гармонии и музыки , они восхваляют любовь , дружбу и красоту .william shakespeare died in 1616. but his works will always be interesting for people all over the world.уильям шекспир умер в 1616 году . но его творения всегда будут интересны людям во всем мире .

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