Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму напряжений . 1ivan ) english fast but i (read) english slowly/ 2 which languages i ) english and german a little 3 olha )in france , but she (not , speak) french well/ 4 ) in china ? - yes , he . his native language ) chinese. 5 where ) last summer? ) he understand the language people speak there ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

ivan reads english fast, but i read english slowly.

which languages are you understand? - i understand english and german a little.

olha lives in france, but she doesn't speak french well.

does he live in china? - yes he does. his    his native language is chinese.

where did he go last summer? can he understand the language peole speak there?


1, ivan reads  english fast   but i read english slowly/

2 which languages  do  you    understand? -   i  understand english and german a little

3 olha lives  in france , but she doesn*t        speak french well

4  does   he    live in china ?   - yes , he does . his native language   is chinese.

5 where did      he  go  last summer?   could he understand the language people speak there ?  

1has  been built 2has  been found 3has been awarded 4has  been recorded 5has been attended 

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