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Нужно выбрать правильный вариант: richard doesn't (listen, hear, listens, hears) to the radio. (was, is, have, has) he come on foot? i have (forget, forgotten, forgot) his name. the book was (write, wrote, written) be a well-known german author. what is your father (looking, look, looked, looks) for? i am bored, i have (something, anything, nothing) to do. we (saw, have seen, has seen, looked) the film a month ago. i went by bus yesterday and it (stoped, stopes, stopped, has stopped) in front of the station. they have known your neighbour (since, from, by, in) last november. my friend was (promised, promise, promissed, promis) the highest wages of all of us. who (caused, did cause, has caused, was caused) the accident in this street last week?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Richard doesn't (listen) to the radio. (has) he come on foot? i have (forgotten) his name. the book was (written)  by a well-known german author. what is your father  (looking) for? i am bored, i have (nothing) to do. we (saw) the film a month ago. i went by bus yesterday and it (stopped) in front of the station. they have known your neighbour (since) last november. my friend was (promised) the highest wages of all of us. who (caused) the accident in this street last week?

1) обсудив условия поставки, он ушел. 2) на прошлой неделе мой секретарь отправил вам письмо, в котором содержатся цены на наши продукты. 3) я видел его входящим в офис. 4) написание деловых писем полезно.

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