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Перевезти на в passive voice 1.вас просят подняться наверх. 2.работа будет закончена сегодня. 3.письмо получено вчера. 4.покажите мне, где в вашем городе строится мост. 5.мне только что предложили интересную работу. 6.в тот момент обсуждался важный вопрос, и все внимательно слушали. 7.тебя пригласили на вечер? 8.когда я пришел в институт, ими еще не было сдано ни одного экзамена. 9.улицы должны переходить на переходах. 10.он сделал все, что его просили.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. you have been asked to go upstairs. 2. the work will be finished today. 3. the letter was received yesterday. 4. show me where the bridge is being built in your town. 5. i have just been offered an interesting job. 6. a very important question was being discussed at that moment and everyone was listening attentively. 7. were you invited to the evening party? 8. when i came to the university, no exams had been passed by them. 9. the streets should be уверена, как дальше) 10. he did everything he had been asked.

1) if he (knows) grammar better, he would (will make) fewer mistakes. -1 2) if you (take) the noon train, you will get there about four o'clock. -1 3) if i did not ( have) to work today, i (would go) to the park with you. -2 4) if it (is) so cold there, there (will be) snow on the ground. -1 5) if i (came) to moscow, i (would visit) my friends. -2

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