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Перевести предложения из present simple в present perfect. will we negotiate? when did you negotiate my house? she will negotiate about the meeting i will appreciate your input you appreciate your parents did he appreciate me? why does she appreciate him? we won't appreciate them he respected her she didn't respected her when will you respect me? will they respect a new president fo the school? we don't respect him you deliver my baggage he will deliver, don't worry well, she didn't deliver scroll why do they deliver my fridge? where did he deliver? you received my baggage how did he receive? ! when will she receive a book? i don't receive my money they won't receive us

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Ответы на вопрос:

Have  we negotiated? when have  you negotiated my house? ( в этом  вопросе нельзя present perfect употреблять ! ) she has  negotiated about the meeting i have  appreciated your input you have  appreciated your parents has  he appreciated me? why has  she appreciated him? we haven't appreciated them he has  respected her she hasn't  respected her when have you respected me? ( нельзя present perfect) have  they respected a new president fo the school? we haven't  respected him you have  delivered my baggage he has  delivered, don't worry well, she hasn't  delivered scroll why have  they delivered my fridge? where has  he delivered?   you have  received my baggage how has  he received? ! when has  she received a book? (нельзя present ! ) i haven't  received my money they haven't  received us

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