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Определите функцию participle i в предложениях 1. the water flowing from springs and streams makes rivers or lakes. 1. вода, вытекающая из родников и ручьев, образует реки или озера. 2. while crossing the river the boat turned over and all of them fell down into the water. 2. при переправе через реку лодка перевернулась и все они упали в воду. 3. with a striking force and truthfulness dickens creates pictures of bourgeois civilization describing the misery of common people. 3. с поразительной силой и правдивостью, диккенс создает фото буржуазной цивилизации, описывающие страдания простых людей. 4. he was sitting by the fire at the inn, drinking tea and talking to an old man smoking a pipe. 4. он сидел у огня в гостиной, пьющий чай и говорящий старик, курящий трубку. 5. in a few minutes she was standing again at the open door with a letter in her hand, making me a sign to go out. 5. через несколько минут она снова стояла у открытой двери с письмом в руке и подавала мне знак выйти. 6. while going along the road he saw a strange object lying on the ground. 6. проезжая по дороге, он увидел странный объект, лежащий на земле. 7. being a great artist he gave a vivid picture of england in his books, subjecting to criticism the ruling classes of his country. 7. будучи великим художником он сдал яркую картину в его книгу, подвергая критике правящие классы его страны. 8. looking out of the window, she caught sight of her friend crossing the street. 8. выглядывая из окна, она заметила своего друга пересекающего улицу. 9. the sun was shining brightly on the speaker, illuminating his strong shoulders and the fierce look of his eyes. 9. солнце светило ярко на спикера, освещая его сильные плечи и жестокий взгляд его глаз. 10. during the last year of his life he lived in new york, working as an editor for a publishing firm. 10. в течение прошлого года его жизни, он жил в нью- йорке, работая редактором в издательской фирме.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the water flowing определение 2. while crossing обстоятельство3. creates describing обстоятельство 4. was sitting, drinking сказуемое форма continuous old man smoking определение5. was standing, making сказуемое форма continuous6. while going обстоятельство object lying определение7. being a great artist, subjecting обстоятельство 8. looking out of the window обстоятельство  crossing the street обстоятельство9. was shining, illuminating сказуемое форма continuous10. working as обстоятельство

A1. if i came home later, mother would punish me.2. if he had known my address, he would have come and help me. 3. i was not well prepared for the examination. i wish i had revised everything properly before it. 4. if i had seen you yesterday , i would have  give your book back. 5. if i had known that you needed my help, i wouldn't have gone away without letting you know. 6. if i were in your place, i would try to find another solution to this problem. 7. if i had a computer, i  would do my projects in an excellent way! b. 1. i would be late for the lesson, if i  got up later. 2. i would have come to you, if you had asked me before. 3. i would have given you my textbook, if had known that you have problems with maths. 4. i would have helped you if i hadn't had so many things to do myself. 5. i wouldn't buy the book if i didn't read the review of it. 6. it would be better if you went to bed earlier.

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