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Дайте нормальный перевод. ii. the institute i study at 1. what institute do you study at? 2. why have you decided to enter this university? 3. when was the university established? how many students study at the university? 4. how many departments does the university train? 5. what specialists does the university train? 6 what is your future speciality? 7. what activities does the students’ practical work include? 8. how long does the training course last at your department? 9. what can you say about its library/computer center/ laboratories? 10. what are your favourite subjects at the university? why? iii. my speciality 1. what department do you study at? 2. what is your future profession? 3. why have you chosen this profession? 4. did anyone help you to make a decision? 5. what is the role of your speciality in modern industry/ national economy? 6. what subjects are junior students taught? 7. what is special about the teaching process for senior students? 8. when and where do you have your practical training? 9. where can you work after graduating from the institute? 10. do you think your future profession is prestigious? why?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ii. 1. в каком университете ты учишься? 2. почему ты решил поступить в этот университет? 3. когда этот университет учрежден? сколько студентов учатся в университете? 4. сколько факультетов обучает университет? 5. какая роль твоей специальности в современной индустрии/ национальной ? 6. какие предметы учат студенты пред последнего курса? 7. что особенного в обучении студентов последнего курса (выпускников)? 8. когда и где у тебя практическое обучение(тренировка)? 9. где ты можешь работать после окончания университета? 10. ты считаешь, что твоя будущая профессия престижная? почему?

A person who keeps the piece in the city and arrests

criminals. Police officer

A person who serves drinks and food in a restaurant. Waiter

A person who delivers newspapers and magazines to

your house. Postman

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