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Do you know where i go? i go to see interesting animals. i go to catch a traino. i go to catch a bus. i go to ifly to other country. go to ihave a meal. go to post letters. i go to study. i go to see a movie. i go toisee clowns. go to return a book.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the zoo 2. the railway station 3. the bus stop 4. the airport 5. the kitchen 6. the post office 7. school 8. the cinema 9. the circus 10. the library

1. if you dont take your umbrella, you [can] get wet если вы не возьмете зонт вы можете промокнуть 2. look! there are dark clouds on the   sky. it [might] rain soon. смотри, темные тучи  на небе. скоро может начаться дождь 3. i [have to] do some shopping today. мне придется сегодня закупиться немного 4. he [should not]  smoke ему не следует курить

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