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Вследующих предложениях найдите и подчеркните глагол в форме past participle (participle i) укажите , чем это слово является в данном предложении: а) частью определительного причастного оборота; б) частью обстоятельственного причастного оборота; в) частью сказуемого во временах continuous. 1. the man working at this office knows by brother 2. he is writing a dictation. 3. do you know the man sitting at the window? 4. " good afternoon" said he coming into the room.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the man working at this office knows by brother> > > > > а) частью определительного причастного оборота; 2. he is writing a dictation.< < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < в) частью сказуемого во временах continuous. 3. do you know the man sitting at the window? > > > > > а) частью определительного причастного оборота; 4. " good afternoon" said he coming into  the room.> > > > >   б) частью обстоятельственного причастного оборота;

my perfect day starts at 8 am. i usually get ready and go to university. there i meet with all my best friends and we spend nice time talking, drinking coffee and eating cookies. in university i learn about many new things every day and i like it. i talk with the teachers and ask them some questions which i didn't understand after my lessons. after that i return home, take my dog and go with him to the park. then i meet my family and we do some interesting activities together. i love spending time with them.

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