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Сделать : complete the questions about doing? a)what she likee doing? b)how many brothers andsistersdoes she ? c)what her favourite sudject? d)what languages she she people who go hunting? no, she f)what colour her hair?

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Ответы на вопрос:

a)what  does  she like doing?

b)how many brothers and sisters does she  have ?

c)what  is  her favourite sudject?  

d) what languages does  she  speak/ know/ read ?

e) does  she know  people who go hunting? no, she doesn*t .

f )what colour is  her hair?

The hare and the tortoise.

Once upon a time, there was a very fast hare and a very slow tortoise.

The hare always laughed at the tortoise.

One day the tortoise surprised them all: Let’s have a race tomorrow then.

The hare jumped forward.

It was a very sunny day and the hare was very hot.

There’s a tree.

I can rest under it.

A few hours later, the tortoise passed the sleeping hare. Suddenly, the hare opened his eyes and looked around.

He saw the tortoise at the finish line!

The tortoise was the winner!


Заяц и черепаха.

Давным-давно, жили очень быстрый заяц и очень медленная черепаха. Заяц постоянно смеялся над черепахой. Однажды черепаха удивила всех: давайте устроим завтра соревнование. Заяц прыгнул вперёд. Это был очень солнечный день, и зайцу было очень жарко.

- Вот дерево, я могу отдохнуть под ним.

Спустя несколько часов черепаха обогнала спящего зайца. Вдруг заяц открыл глаза и огляделся вокруг. Он увидел черепаху на финишной

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