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Задать вопросы к предложениям) 1.there are many interesting and useful professions-к нему общий вопрос 2.i like to read books and articles on economics and bookkeeping- к нему специальный 3.an economist calculates the costs and possible profits of an organization analyses the condition of the market and so on -к нему альтернативный 4.it is very important for an economist to know at least one foreign language, especially english-к нему разделительный 5.there is a great demand for the well-educated economists in the labour market-а от этого предложения вопрос к подлежащему.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1are there many interesting 2 what books do you like to read? 3 does an economist calculate the costs and possible profits of an organization or translate the articles in the foreign magazines? 4  it is very important for an economist to know at least one foreign language, especially english, isn't it? 5 who is in great demand in the labour market?

1. have already made  2. are you doing a crossword now? 3. could you please do me a favour? 4. it makes no difference. 5. don't do him any harm. 6. in 10 minutes my mother will make a shopping list. 7. if you don't want to be alone, you make friends. 8. what are you doing? 9. when we came home, our mother was making dinner. 10. usually i do the laundry on saturdays.

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