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Решить. переведи на я язык . моя сестра занята как пчёлка.она работает мой новый друг такой же хороший, как и старый москва такая же большая как и лондон я говорю по так же быстро как и дети

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My sister is busy as a bee.she works. my new friend as good as the old. moscow is as big as london. i speak english as fast as english children. так же вместо as, можно использовать и другие слова.

i am going to tell you about my school. my school is very beatiful. there are many good and experienced teachers in our school. they help us to become smarter and develop our mind. many subjects in our school help us to develop imagination.   these subjects are   art, history, geometry and so on.

    there is a library in our school. there we can have time for reading.   our school has interesting traditions. almost all pupils enjoy school life and friendship. some pupils say that they have boring lessons, many tests. they are tired of doing homework. they say that they don't need so much knowledge.   but i don't agree with them. i like school. i like studying.

Популярно: Английский язык