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Образуйте степени сравнения от прилагательных.difficult, strong, bad, wet, dirty, generous.

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Difficult - more difficult - the most difficult strong - stronger -   the strongest bad - worse - the worst wet - wetter - the  wettest dirty - dirtier - the dirtiest generous - more generous - the most generous

The  writer i love most  is william shakespeare. shakespeare is the greatest playwright  of england, if not of the world . he is the father of english theatre, the poet,  that no one could ever surpass. william shakespeare wrote plenty of sonnets and about 37 plays that never leave world stages. they are, for example, hamlet, macbeth, othello. but my favorite play written by this pre-eminent writer is, by all means, romeo and juliet. i am sure everybody knows this heart-touching story about pure love and tragical death.   two young lovers, romeo montague and juliet capulet were fond of each other, but their families, strongly against their love, were ready to do everithing in the world  to part them. as a result, their hate led their children to death: romeo and juliet prefered to die rather than to live apart. to my mind, this moving  story shows us that love is the most beautiful  feeling, it is stronger than hate, stronger than death and never dies.

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