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Make negative sentences .put the adverb in the right position. пример: i/not eat/cheese(usually). i don't often eat cheese. 1.patric/not watch/tv after schooll(always). 2.she/not be/on time(usually) 3.girraffles/not atack/people(usually). 4.we/not have/eggs for breakfast.(usually). 5.michael and greg/not be/late for school. (often).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.patric sometimes  doesn't  watch  tv after school. 2.she often  isn't  on time. 3.girraffles usually  don't  atack  people 4.we usually don't have  eggs for breakfast. 5.michael and greg often  aren't late for school.а вот насчет наречий не уверена, не поняла как их надо изменить

1)He must have been really hardworking.
If he didn’t do anything, he might have remained the same, not rich
2)I think, she might have passed her exams, but didn’t try to pass, so that was the reason.
She can’t have passed her exams, i already have heard that she failed.
3)His parents must have been not in the mood.
Ben might have go out with his friends, if his parents let him
4)I thought that he can’t have been got into an accident, because he is a very careful driver. He must have been drunk.
5)Gemma might have won, but she was tired. She must have got some problems with her sleep
6)Jamie can’t have been at the school, he was watching football matches at home. Jamie must have been angry after the match
7)Sarah might have been obese if she didn’t pull herself together
She must have been healthy, if the she’s really fit
8)She can’t have spoken French, because she has learned English, not French
She must have speak english fluently.

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