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Переведите на : 1. этот фильм-комедия.его стоит посмотреть. 2.извините,вы не скажете,где магазин игрушек? 3.художественная галерея находится рядом с аптекой. 4.вчера на распродаже мы с мамой купили мне красивые и дешёвые туфли. 5.пойдём в цветочный магазин.он рядом с обувным магазином. 6.посмотри на объявление в музее: "не шуметь! не трогать статуи и картины! " 7.где находится кинотеатр? 8.вчера была прекрасная погода.мы решили с друзьями пойти в парк приключений,потому что там много аттракционов. 9.в прошлую субботу мы ходили в зоопарк и видели много диких животных. нужно !

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Ответы на вопрос:

1this film is a comedy. it’s worth seeing/watching.don’t miss it. 2 excuse me, can you tell me where the toy shop is? 3 the art gallery is next to the chemist’s. 4 yesterday mum and i bought me very beautiful and cheap shoes on sale. 5 let’s go to the florist’s. it’s next to the shoe shop. 6 look at the museum notice “be quiet! don’t touch the statues and pictures”. 7 where is the cinema? 8 the weather was great yesterday. i decided to go to the adventure park with my friends because there are many rides. 9 last saturday we went to the zoo and saw a lot of wild animals.

it is raining all day today. i suspect it always rains on sundays in england. anyhow, it rains every sunday since i arrived here three months ago. i just began to get used to it but i find it rather monotonous! i live in a boarding-house in bayswater as i do not possess enough money to stay in a hotel or a flat of my own. however, i am enjoying my stay here as i had had already many opportunities to meet interesting people who came from all over the world. like me, they study english or else they work with foreign firms that have branches or agencies here. some of them are living here for quite a long time but even they do not speak english very well. my friend peter, for instance, who came from basel, and came here a year ago, still is speaking with a strong swiss accent. he says this is because he worked long hours with an export-import firm where they spoke little english. although i have been here only three months, i pick up enough english to be able to correct peter frequently, but as i learned english at school here, i have an unfair advantage over peter, who is a good fellow, and is most helpful in showing me about london during the first weeks of my stay.

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