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I. give the right form robin hood (1 - to be) apparently a fourteenth-century english hero. people of that time (2 - to sing) songs about his adventures, although the most famous stories (3 - to come) from the sixteenth century and later. in the 20th century a tv series and several films (4 - to help) to continue the legend. robin hood (5 - to be) a rebel and in many ways a criminal but he (6 - to be) a people's hero. the legend (7 - to say) that he (8 - to live) in the forest with his companions, his "merry men". they (9 - to rob) and (10 - to kill) representatives of authority in order to give the money to the poor. his main enemy (11 - to be) the sheriff of nottingham, but he also (12 - to steal) from the reach landowners and members of the church. historical "detectives" (13 - to try) to find evidence for a real robin hood with little success. there (14 - to be) an outlaw of that name, but we (15 - not/to know) much about him. what is certain (16 - to be) that for people of that period and later times, robin hood (17 — to be) a symbol of justice. new stories about him (18 - to appear) through the centuries, and he (19 -to become) a legendary figure. !

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Ответы на вопрос:

Robin hood (1 - is) apparently a fourteenth-century english hero. people of that time (2 - sang) songs about his adventures, although the most famous stories (3 - came) from the sixteenth century and later. in the 20th century a tv series and several films (4 - helped) to continue the legend.   robin hood (5 - was) a rebel and in many ways a criminal but he (6 - was) a people's hero. the legend (7 - said) that he (8 - lived) in the forest with his companions, his "merry men". they (9 - robbed) and (10 - killed) representatives of authority in order to give the money to the poor. his main enemy (11 - was) the sheriff of nottingham, but he also (12 - stole) from the reach landowners and members of the church.   historical "detectives" (13 - tried) to find evidence for a real robin hood with little success. there (14 - was) an outlaw of that name, but we (15 – don't know) much about him. what is certain (16 - is) that for people of that period and later times, robin hood (17 — was) a symbol of justice. new stories about him (18 - appeared) through the centuries, and he (19 - became) a legendary figure.

1. my mum won't let me ( go) out tonight. 2. are you going to have a cake ( made) for your birthday? 3. sarah asked what we ( liked) to do later that evening. 4. we hope (to have finished) building our house soon. 5. if they (had warned) us, we wouldn't have gone there. 6. the result (will be announced) later tonight. 7. we were told (not to cheat). 8. i wish we (had told) the police last night. 9. why (were not we given) more time in yesterday's exam? 10. we're interested in (finding out) more about my friend's family.

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