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Писать каждое предложение gj два раза с двух типов условных предложений. 1) if l (to get) a ticket, i (to go) to the philarmonic. 2) if i (to live) near a wood, i (to gather) a lot of mushrooms. 3) if my father (to return) early, we (to wathc) tv together. 4) if you (to be) free, i( to come) to see you. 5) she (to enter )the universiti, if she (to know ) english.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) if i get a ticket, i will go to the philarmonic. (1 тип) if i got a ticket, i wouild go to the (2 тип) 2) if i live near a wood, i gather a lot of mushrooms. (0 тип) здесь можно и первый тип сделать:   if i live near a wood, i will  gather a lot of mushrooms. if i had  lived near a wood, i would have  gathered a (3 тип) 3) if my father returns early, we will watch tv together. (1 тип) if my father had  reterned early, we would have been  тип) 4) if you are free, i will come to see you. (1 тип) if you had been free, i would have come to see u. (3 тип) 5) she will enter the university if she knows english. (1 тип) здесь запятые не ставятся - идет  выбрасывание запятой в инверсной схеме (когда if стоит не впереди). she would has entered the university if she had known english. (3 тип)

2. Fred, Max.

3. Fred, Max.

4. Max, Fred.

5. Fred, Max.

6. Max, Fred.

2. Smaller.

3. Shorter.

4. Bigger.

2. Rhinos are fiercer than hippos.

3. Eagles are more beautiful than flamingos.

4. A deer is more intelligent than an elephant.


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