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Грамматическое к билету №4 choose the correct answer (a,b,c,d) mum is in the kitchen. she…. a cake. a) makes b) make c) is making d) making i usually… to work, but today i ……because my car is broken. a) drive, am walking b) am driving, walk c) drive, walk d) am driving, am walking what…? – he’s a doctor. a) your father does b) your father does do c) does your father d) does your father do what language…. at the moment? a) is she speaking b) she is speaking c) does she speak d) she speaks yes, we….. to the cinema, but not very often. a) go b) goes c) are going d) don’t go why… here alone? where are your friends? a) do you sit b) you are sitting c) are you sitting d) you sit at the moment we…over the capital of our country. a) is flying b) are flying c) flies d) fly our teacher…. when pupils come late. a) doesn’t like b) not like c) likes not d) don’t like where is jim? – he… in the garden. a) working b) works c) work d) is working how many newspapers…every day? a) you buy b) do you buy c) are you buying d) you are buying грамматическое к билету №5 раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в past simple или past continuous. i (to go) to the cinema yesterday. i (to go) to the cinema at four o'clock yesterday. i (to go) to the cinema when you met me. i (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday. i (to do) my homework when mother came home. i (to do) my homework yesterday. i (to do) my homework from five till eight yesterday. i (to do) my homework at six o'clock yesterday. i (not to play) the piano yesterday. i (to write) a letter to my friend. i (not to play) the piano at four o'clock yesterday. i (to read) a book. грамматическое к билету №6 выберите правильный предлог 1. he stood ….. the window. a) at; b) on; c) in; 2. don’t sit ….. the ground. a) about; b) on; c) into ; 3. the man jumped …… the river. a) above; b) next; c) into; 4. it is expensive to live…… london. a) at; b) next; c) in; 5. i go ….. the institute every day. a) to; b) on; c) in; 6. i’ll be at school …… 9 a.m. a) at; b) in; c) from 7. she came ….. a day. a) from; b) for; c) since; 8. i work in the library ….2 till 6. a) on; b) from; c) at; 9. they were born… 1990. a) by; b) since; c) in; 10. we reached the city …. 5 o’clock. a) after; b) up; c) at;

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Билет №4 1. с 2. а 3. d 4. a 5. a 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. d 10. b билет №5 1. went 2. was going 3. was going 4. was doing 5. was doing 6. did 7. was doing 8. was doing 9. didn't play / wrote 10. wasn't playing / was reading билет №6 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. a 6. a 7. b 8. b 9. c 10. c

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