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Перескажите на . языке кратко текст: sifakas you can see sifakas in madagascar, a big island near western africa. sifakas live in trees and eat leaves, flowers and fruit. they can jump up to 10 metres from one tree to the next tree. when sifakas are not in the trees, they move on two legs in small jumps. it looks strange, like dancing. sifakas make noises like speaking. in the past, people thought that they were ghosts, not animals.

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Сайфакас живет на большом острове,в близи западной африки.сай живет на дереве и ест листья цветы и фрукты.они могут прыгать на 10 метров с одного дерева на другое.они выглядят странно когда танцуют.они шумные

Ты можешь увидеть sifakas в мадагаскаре,большом острове рядом с западной африкой.sifakas дивут на дкревьях и едят цветы и фрукты.они умеют прыгать вверх до 10 метров с одного дерева на другое.когда sifakas не на деревьях,они передвигаются на двух лапах небольшими прыжками.это выглядит странно.в прошлом люди думали что они призраки,не животные. p.s. кто такие sifakas я не знаю,но думаю что это лемуры

it seems to me that not everyone thinks about what he or she eats and it ii really bad.our health depends on food we eat every day.our organism needs different vitamins,proteins,fats and othersubstances. to feel good we should eat products which are rich in all this elements/

secondly, the next important question is the combination of different products. separate nourishment is very useful for people(апостроф)s health

thirdly, everybody also should follow a diet which would be healthy. some of them help people to loose weight,other-to treat diseases. all of us ought to follow such diet which includes a daily menuof such products as meat, fish,fruits,vegetables and milk

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