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Jane and bob came home late? my sister has bought? перевести, задать вопросы(альтернативный ,общий,специальный,вопрос к подлежащему,разделительный)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Джейн и боб пришли домой поздно did jane and bob come home late?   (общий) did jane and bob come home late or early?   (альтер) jane and bob came home late, didn't they?   (разделит) when did jane and bob come home ?   (спец) who came home late?   (к подлеж) моя сестра has your  sister bought (общий) has your  sister bought dress or a skirt? (альтер) your  sister has  bought has't she? (разделит) what has your sister bought? (спец) who has (к подлеж)

When I see Nick, I will tell him the news. (Conditional 1)

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