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Определите в каждом предложении видо-временную форму и залог гла¬гола-сказуемого. переведите предложения. 1. the prices will be settled by both parties. 2. the company has made big losses this year. 3. by 6 o’clock yesterday i had made several appointments with foreign businessmen; had books seats on a plane to rome for our specialists and had discussed the programme of the customer’s stay in moscow with the president. 4. the president of the firm will be at the talks tomorrow. 5. does he often go abroad? 6. mr. brown’s office is on the fourth floor. i’ll tell him you’re coming. 7. а lot of books are translated from english unto russian every year.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the prices will be settled by both parties. future simple, passive voice 2. the company has made big losses this year. present perfect, active voice 3. by 6 o’clock yesterday i had made several appointments with foreign businessmen; had books seats on a plane to rome for our specialists and had discussed the programme of the customer’s stay in moscow with thepresident.past perfect, active voice 4. the president of the firm will be at the talks tomorrow. future simple, active voice5. does he often go abroad? present simple, active voice 6. mr. brown’s office is on the fourth floor. present simple, passive voice (не уверена)i’ll tell him you’re coming. future simple, active voice 7. а lot of books are translated from english unto russian every year. present simple, passive voice

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