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Заполните пропуски словами, данными в рамке: close, confident, cool, divorced, generous, grateful, independent, loving, loyal,ordinary, patient, private, single 1. thanks for looking after my dog for the weekend. i'm 2. judy is one of the people i know. she'salways giving me presents! 3.i don't want a girlfriend. i like . 4. it will take a while for simon to forgive you. you'll just have to be 5 adam's parents are so he only sees his dad atthe weekend. 6 cats are more that dogs. they live their own livesand don't need human company. 7 i'm very to my best friend. i'd never talk abouther behind her back. 8 sandy's such dog. he's always so happy tosee us when we come home! 9 i'm not a very . i get nervous when ihave to speak in public. 10 my diary is one is allowed to read it apart from me. 11 i tell my sister all my problems and secrets. we have a very . 12. my uncles he's in a rock band! 13. i'm just a/an person with a normal live - but i'm quite happy!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) grateful 2) generous 3) single 4) patient 5) divorced 6) independent 7) loving 8) loyal 9) confident 10) private 11) close 12) cool 13) ordinary

1. there are two dogs in jeremy's room. (в комнате джереми 2 собаки). 2. there is a box in front of the rock. (напротив камня есть коробка). 3. there is a cave under the rock. (под скалой (камнем) есть пещера (нора). 4. there are two children near the cave. (рядом с норой (пещерой) есть 2 ребёнка). 5. there is a monster in the story. (в есть монстр).

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