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№1. ответьте на вопросы, используя страдательный залог. 1. where are cars usually fixed? 2. where will the next olympic games be held? 3. who are oscars usually awarded to? №2 дополните каждое второе предложение таким образом, чтобы по смыслу оно совпадало с первым предложением. используйте от двух до пяти слов, включая выделенное слово 1. willtheysendthelettersfirstclass? sent first class? 2. i'm not sure if they eat pizza in china, is i'm not sure in china. 3. someone told me that they don't make cars in the uk anymore, made someone told me in the uk anymore.

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Ответы на вопрос:

№1 1. cars are fixed in workshops. 2. the next olympic games will be held in brazil. 3. oscars usually awarded to movie actors, actresses, film directors, costume designers, script writers and others.№2  1. the letters be sent 2. pizza is eaten 3. cars are not made

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