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Hадо раскрыть скобки и перевести. . заранее огромное . 1.) -jane , dear,you ( 1. call) emily? - yes, i ( 2 .call) her about an hour ago, but i (3. not, speak) to her because she (4. have) a bath. i think i (5. try) again in a few minutes. she (6. have) her bath by this time. 2.) by seven o`clock yesterday evening the train (1. not, arrive) yet. the people on the platform (2.feel) cold as a strong wind (3. blow). suddenly there (4.come) a voice from the loudspeaker which (5.say) that the train (6.arrive) a quater of an hour later. mark who (7. stand) on the platform for half an hour already (8.decide) that he (9. go) to the snack bar and ( 10. drink) a cup of hot coffee. 3.) - can i (1. have) my book back, chris? -sorry, i (2.not, read) it yet. but i (3.think) i (4.read) it by saturday. then i (5. bring) it to you myself. -you (6.like) it? -oh , yes. very much. yesterday i (7. read) it for five hours non-stop. when mother (8.come) into my bedroom at 12 o`clock (9.say) " good night" to me i still (10. read) it. 4) last sunday alice`s neighbour (1.ask) her (2.keep) her cat flufff for three days when she (3.be) away on business. she (4.say) the cat (5.be) no trouble. but when alice (6.wake) up the next morning she (7. notice) that the cat ( 8.eat) all the goldfish. when alice (9.leave) for school the cat( 10. sleep) peacefully in the sun. when the girl ( 11.come) home the cat ( 12. disappear). it (13. take) poor alice two hours (14. find) fluff in someone`s garden where the cat ( 15.run) after birds.

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1. — jane, dear, have you called emily? — yes, i called her about an hour ago, but i didn't speak to her because she was having a bath. i think i'll try again in a few minutes. she will have had her bath by this time.2. by seven o'clock yesterday evening the train hadn't arrived yet. the people on the platform felt cold as a strong wind was blowing. suddenly there came a voice from the loudspeaker, which said that the train would arrive a quater of an hour latter. mark, who has been standing  on the platform  for half an hour, had already decided that he would go to the snack bar and drink a cup of coffee.3. — can i have my book back, chris? — sorry,  i haven't read it yet. but i think i will have read it by saturday. then i will  bring it to you myself. — do you like it? — oh, yes. very much. yesterday i've been reading it for five hours non-stop. when mother came into my bedroom at 12 o'clock and said "good night" to me, i was still reading it.4) last sunday alice's neighbour asked her to keep her cat fluff for three days when she would be  away on business. she said the cat would be  no  trouble. but when alice woke up the next morning, she noticed that the cat had eaten all the goldfish. when alice left for school, the cat was sleeping peacefully in the sun. when the girl came home, the cat dissapeared. it took poor alice two hours to find fluff in someone's garden where the cat was running  after birds. перевод: 1. — джейн, дорогая, ты уже позвонила эмили? — да, я позвонила ей примерно час назад, но мы не смогли поговорить, потому что она принимала ванну. позвоню-ка я ей ещё раз через пару минут. она к этому времени уже закончит принимать ванну.2. вчера поезд ещё не пришёл к семи часам вечера. людям на платформе было холодно, так как дул холодной ветер. внезапно по громкоговорителю сообщили, что поезд придёт через четверть часа. марк, простоявший на платформе пол часа, уже было собирался пойти в закусочную, чтобы выпить чашку кофе.3. — можно мне мою книгу, крис? — извини, ещё не дочитал её до конца. я думаю, что к субботе я её дочитаю и потом сам тебе её занесу.— нравится книга? — о, да. нравится. вчера я целых пять часов её читал непрестанно. когда мама зашла в комнату — было уже двенадцать часов ночи — и пожелала доброй ночи, я всё ещё читал книгу.4. в прошлую субботу соседка алисы попросила её оставить своего кота пушистка на три дня, пока она будет в командировке. она сказала, кот не будет обузой. но когда алиса проснулась следующим утром, она заметила, что все золотые рыбки были съедены котом. когда алиса пошла в школу, кот мирно спал на солнце. когда девочка пришла домой, кот исчез. бедная алиса потратила два часа, чтобы найти пушистка в чьём-то саду, где кот бегал за птицами.

ex 3

2 don't know

3 do you like watching tv

4 is cooking

5 is making

6 Does Dave love

ex 4

2 am setting

3 are you asking

4 need

5 don't like

6 Is he doing

7 hates

8 doesn't like

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