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Подскажите, , какой вариант вопроса верный.1. исходное предложение: they have got many books. вопрос: how many books have they got? или: how many books do they have? 2. they had many books, вопрос: had they many books, или did they have many books?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  how many books do they have2.  did they have many books

Вобоих предложениях верный вариант вопроса 2.

1. Josh and Matt were playing the piano all the evening. 2. Ruth was running in the park in the evening yesterday. 3. I was speaking to the doctor from four to half past five last Monday. 4. You were sleeping for four hour in the afternoon. 5. My grandmother was dusting the furniture when I came home yesterday.

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