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I'd like to build a big house. it has got two floors, brick walls and a roof covered with tile. also it has got big glass windows and a little garden behind the house.  i think my house is beautiful and comfortable.  я хочу построить большой дом. он имеет два этажа, кирпичные стены и крышу покрытую черепицей. также  он имеет большие стеклянные окна и маленький садик за домом. я думаю мой дом будет красивым и удобным.   

3.  найдите и выпишите предложения в  present  perfect.    “we’ ve definitely made   mistakes, but it’s probably the first time in our lives that we’re not getting a grade and we don’t have anyone telling us what to do.”   lehigh first tried what it calls its mountaintop program on a smaller scale last summer, combining elements that scholars of education  have advocated  for years — research, work experience and independent, long-form projects.    some colleges  have expanded   those  practices, but the going has been slow.    the annual national survey of student  engagement shows that by the time they graduate, fewer than half of college  students   have done i nternships or some other kind of field experience, fewer  than half have done a senior thesis and just 23 percent  have done   research with  a faculty member outside of what is required for their courses. 4.  найдите и выпишите предложения в  present  continuous.     most of the students here  are pursuing   their own projects — about 30 in all — and finding their own way, with little faculty input and with nothing more at stake than testing their own ambition, skills and curiosity.   “we got a group together and said what we wanted to do, and the administration just said, ‘o.k., ask for any equipment or advice you need,’ ” said colleen perry, who   is studying  bioengineering.    “we’ve definitely made mistakes, but it’s probably the first time in our lives that we ’re not getting   a grade and we don’t have anyone telling us what to do.”   so what lehigh   is trying, she said, “is pretty interesting.” 5.  найдите и выпишите предложения в  present  perfect  continuous.    “we know that these are high-impact practices that we’ve been expanding, but we need to think about new models of how to promote them, because a faculty member can only take on so many students to mentor directly,” said lynnette overby, director of undergraduate research and experiential learning at the university of delaware. 

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