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Выбери т вставь слова , наиболее подходящее по смыслу : 1.you`ll hear some important on the radio at 6 o`clock a) place of interest b)voice c)information d) music 2.our city museum is not an art gallery at all. a) founded b) like c)known d ) real 3. says that the tower has a bloody history a)information d) museum c)voice d)legend 4, an important political meeting took the houses of parliament two years ago a)plqace b ) care c) part d) off 5.where is don ? - ahe is running at the . a) capital b)stadium c)art gallery d)tower с переводом

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1.c 2.a 3.d 4.a 5.b ну  думаю  так 

1c 2d 3d 4d 5b сейчас будет перевод

"good morning" is a tv programme for children. it begins at 7 o'clock every morning. children watch it when they wake up. the presenter of the programmу shows how to make morning exercises. children also listen to music or an interesting story. the presenter always tells them something new. the presenter tells about children from other countries, about rear animals and exiting adventures. the presenter gives advice what to read, what to watch and how to behave. it is a   very interesting useful programme.

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